Saturday, June 9, 2012

Special Olympics. Going the Distance

While all of the athletes from our local track team were celebrating at our local pizza party last week, one of the moms asked me if I had seen Davey on our local news the night of the regional Special Olympics Track Meet.  I totally missed it.  When we got home, I logged onto KCRA3's web site.  Found the link for the tournament story, but the video was missing.  I was bummed.  I found the contact link, emailed the station and hoped for the best.  Yesterday, I got a great reply!  They were kind enough to send me the You Tube link for the story. I hope this station supports Special Olympics and will be covering the State Games at the end of the month?  I have rarely seen Special Olympic events in our area covered by the local media.  It was awesome to see KCRA come out and support the athletes!

Can you pick Davey out of the video clip?   Love it!  And I think KCRA did a great job covering the event and supporting Special Olympics.  Thank you!

Due to technical difficulties on my part, please click on the link above to view this awesome video.

Be gentle.


  1. Glad the local media did a good thing!! I'm over from the blog hop - wanted to let you know your link code in there isn't quite right (no www. before your blog name?!)

  2. I'm pretty sure I heard a "Goooooooo Davey" in the first race, am I right?! What great coverage, so glad you got to see it!

  3. It was great coverage and so much fun!

  4. I love it! He did so well and we cannot wait for the Summer Games!


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