Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day 2011

I was out in the yard yesterday afternoon playing with the dogs.  I realized that we have lived in our new home now one year next week.  When we moved in, there was not much landscaping.  We planted trees in our yard.  They are growing big and beautiful in our garden.  My family has a warm and safe home.  We are free to tend our yards and families.  We are living in a society that welcomes all of us, even if we are different.  It is Memorial Weekend.  Where would we be if the folk in the military were not here to protect us?  Would our yard have these lovely trees to enjoy?  What would our lives be like if we hadn't been defended by the members of our military?  Take a moment to reflect and thank those that have served our country.  Be gentle.

Thanks you for serving.


  1. Happy day!! landscaping is what we have been up husband LOVEs IT!! me not so much...but it sure does look pretty when it is done! smiles

  2. I am really getting into this landscaping. I love the trees and my herbs. David and I just finished mowing the front and back yards. Got to planning our other bed out front, figuring out what we are going to plant in it.

    Enjoy your day.


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